
Inu Shame Bank



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About :

Our vision is to create an ecosystem around the most important person in cryptocurrencies, namely: Satoshi Nakamoto


Everyone needs to know Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision


We believe that INUSHA will collaborate a lot by bringing true information to people!


Satoshi did the best for humanity and the least we can do is keep him alive in our minds and hearts!


INUSHA has a puzzle in its max supply ! ( Looks like Satoshi likes riddles! ) the total supply of InuShameBank (INUSHA) has been meticulously thought out and calculated to contain a sentence written in binary code. A special wallet, with 1% of all current INUSHA supply will be sent to whoever solves the sentence in the puzzle. Look for important details in the whitepaper.


INUSHA holders will receive fractions of Bitcoin, known as Satoshi. Satoshi is already a legend, but millions of people still don’t know the importance of BITCOIN for humanity. INUSHA wants to help with this, as a beautiful Inu we want to attract millions of people to know the importance of BITCOIN.

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